
Put your passion about the oceans into writing!

Become a part of the Oceanlust team by pitching your stories to us! We’re open to news, features, interviews, and column ideas.

Our magazine deadlines are:

November 29th for the Jan-Mar issue

February 27th for the Apr-Jun issue

May 29th for the Jul-Sep issue

August 29th for the Oct-Dec issue

Article pitches for the website can be submitted at any time.

What we’re looking for in a pitch:

  • A headline
  • A summary of what the article is about in 2-3 sentences
  • Your timeline
  • Where you intend it to be published (print/web)

Submit your pitch below!

If you have any creative content (writing/art/photography) that you would like to submit, you can send in your submissions via

All writers will be compensated if their pitch is selected, with the exception of creative writing and art.

For any inquiries, please contact