Excluding More Than It Prohibits
Sri Lanka is far behind the bandwagon when it comes to protecting the environment, with our earliest attempts to regulate the use of polythene and single-use plastic only dating back to 2007, five years after the first ban was put into effect by our fellow South Asian country Bangladesh. Since then, plastic regulation has been…
Prithipura Beach and Reef Cleanup
If you walk down any beach, you will never fail to see dregs of humanity washed up ashore. Most beaches are no longer pristine and beautiful. Instead, they are littered with trash, glass and the greatest evil of them all – plastic. That is why Oceanlust, together with the “Men in Whites” Navy Veterans Whatsapp…
From Pollution to T-Shirts
A t-shirt was launched at the Lighthouse Galley for the Navy Veterans titled “Men in Whites Navy Veterans”. This particular t-shirt is not made from any ordinary material. In fact, it was made from the plastics that were collected from the beaches all over the island. Were you aware that seven billion of the world’s…